* Start with a set of clean, polished nails. Like I said, white nail polish is extremely pretentious…just like white clothing. If not done right, it can be a complete disaster.
* Pick a crisp, white polish hue in a good brand such as OPI, China Glaze or Essie. The better brands only run about $1-3 more than drug store brands, but they glide on much easier and also last longer.
* Start with a base coat and let it dry before applying the white polish. This will ensure that it will go on smoothly and not chip so easily.
* White nail polish can be very tricky to apply as it gets streaky, so that’s why it’s so important that you invest in a good one!
* You might need as many as three coats of white polish (I know I did!) since it’s a tricky color and may still look streaky after 3 coats. Again, it depends on which brand you use.
* Finish off white a clear top coat to seal it in!
* Avoid wearing white nail polish with your little black dress. The contrast is too much, and it just doesn’t look very good.
* DO wear white polish with tanned skin…it looks incredible!
* Pair white nails with colorful pieces such as neon or florals.
* DO wear white polish with other white pieces

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