How To Use Peroxide Mask

Acne and acne cures are probably the most typed words on the internet. People have most likely tried every cure to get rid of zits staring from toothpaste to garlic and of course the different types of skin creams which promise to cure it.

Among the different type of skin masks which are there to cure acne, sulfur and peroxide masques are very popular. Sulfur masks tend to be smelly and therefore peroxide masques are gaining ground.

Reasons For Acne

When skin pores get clogged due to excess oil production or due to dirt or other impurities, breakouts of pimples follow. Bacteria along with dead skin cells and oil combine and multiply leading to white heads and acne. Hence the way to deal with acne is to stop or prevent these factors from increasing thus maintain the normal conditioning of the skin.

Treatment With Benzoyl Peroxide

Benzoyl peroxide is an antiseptic and helps in absorbing oil and killing surface bacteria. Basically acne causing bacteria thrive in an environment where there is little oxygen.

Peroxide increases oxygen thus making the environment unsuitable for bacteria and killing them in the process. It also helps to declog pores by getting rid of dead skin cells.

Peroxide Mask Directions

Read the directions on the label carefully or ask your doctor before starting usage. Cleanse your hands and wash your face with a medicated cleanser. Pat dry face and hands with a towel.

Mix peroxide and water in a small bowl. You can also use rose water or any other similar fluid with anti acne properties such as tea tree water based solutions. Next add the kaolin clay which is in powdered form to it. Mix this well till it forms froth and then apply it over your face. Take special care to apply evenly all over and especially over acne sensitive spots. Let it dry completely and then wash off with water. You may use the leftover mask in the bowl for later usage but it is normally advisable to make a fresh paste and prepare only that much as will be required for one time usage.

Precautions When Using Peroxide Masks

Certain precautions should be kept in mind when using peroxide masks. Firstly check whether you are allergic to peroxide. If at any point you experience excessive irritation or peeling then discontinue usage. If you are already using tretinoin then you cannot use peroxide masks as this could lead to skin allergies.

Also never use peroxide on burnt or broken skin or dry skin. Avoid areas around mouth or eyes and if peroxide does get into eyes or mouth accidentally, rinse off with plenty of water.

Peroxide masks should be avoided by pregnant or lactating women. If you have started using the peroxide masks then refrain from applying any strong soaps or creams on the face as well as other cosmetics which may cause reactions.

It is best to consult with your doctor before using the peroxide masks and following a routine best suited for yourself. Peroxide does have certain bleaching properties so use it with care and keep it away from clothing or hair.

How To Use Peroxide Mask

How To Use Peroxide Mask
How To Use Peroxide Mask

How To Use Peroxide MaskHow To Use Peroxide Mask
How To Use Peroxide Mask

How To Use Peroxide MaskHow To Use Peroxide Mask
How To Use Peroxide Mask

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