Tips For Summer Make Up

Taking care of yourself is a daily affair. It is part of that well-groomed look. In fact, beauty is not just a question of how you look, but how you feel and at no time is this more relevant than during the hot days of summer.

Make-up and grooming both pose problems during summers. Due to excessive heat and perspiration, make-up never seems to last. Therefore it should be kept to a bare minimum, especially during the day.

For facial skin

A daily skin care regimen pays rich dividends. If the skin is clear, without any blemishes, one does not need foundation. Heavy foundations become “caked” and streaky with perspiration during summers showing up natural creases, lines and wrinkles. So, try to avoid them. During the day, use a colorless baby powder as it’s not only light, but has a transparent sheen, which is more flattering.

For the night, if you wish to use foundation, choose a water-based one and blend well. You can even add a drop or two of water, before applying it. This helps to give a lighter coverage. You can also go for the pansticks, to which you can add water before use. If you use a concealor for blemishes, it should be done before using the foundation. Pat the foundation with a damp sponge when you apply it, so that the concealer is not rubbed off.

For your lips

After using lipstick, add a touch of lip-gloss, which actually gives a “cool” look. Or, you can use frosty lipsticks. You can even add a touch of your lip-gloss on the centre of the upper eyelids. These are some of the tricks to look cool.

For colors in lipstick, choose from light pink and mauve, which are “icy” colors and look cool. It may be a good idea to stick to lip-gloss during the day. For the night, you should use brighter colors, as artificial light tends to drain color. You can go for plum, wine, burgundy, coral, bronze. You can even wear a bright red at night.

For your eyes

Eye make-up during the day should also be light. In fact, you can leave out eyeliner and pencil and line your eyes with brown eye shadow. Then apply mascara. This helps to darken the eyes, without heavy eye make-up.

For the night, eye make-up can be heavier, lining the lids with eyeliner or pencil. If you use eyeliner, smudge the line with a sponge applicator. This gives a smoky effect and is better than a harsh black line. At night, use a frosted highlight (white or very light color) on the brow bone and shine on the eyelids.


As far as grooming is concerned, the golden rule for summer is simplicity. Loose, light clothing is much more appropriate and comfortable during summer. Cotton shields can be used under the arms to absorb sweat and protect clothing. Daily changes of clothing are a must. In fact, in summer two changes of clothing help to avoid body odour.

For your clothes, simple lines and pastel, serene colors would be suitable. Flowing styles look and feel cool. Another “cool” trick is to use two shades of the same color, like two progressive shades of silver blue or powder pink. Stick to neutral shades and favor whites. Materials, like cotton, organza, chiffon, lace and so on, look summery and feel comfortable.

Avoid synthetic fabrics, as they do not allow perspiration to evaporate. Tight figure hugging dresses should also be avoided. Large prints or bold abstract ones detract from the cool look. Candy stripes and baby checks in soft pastel shades, trimmed with lace, looks attractive in hot weather. If you are in the mood for prints, go for the soft, subtle shades, which merge into one another.

Go slow on jewellery

Cut down on jewellery for hot days. Choose one striking accessory. Silver has a cooler look than gold. Pearls also make one look cool and elegant. Avoid tight chokers around the neck. Long, loose dangling chains or beads are better for summer.

Keep your hair simply styled and away from the face. Try to keep the nape of the neck free of hair. It will make you look and feel cool. If you have long hair, put it up with the help of a large hair clip, ribbon, or scrunchy, coordinating them with your clothes. In fact, a large number of hair styling aids are available nowadays. It is a question of keeping your eyes and mind open. Try to be a good observer and be creative.

For your feet

Pay special attention to your feet. After washing them well. Dry thoroughly and apply talcum powder. If you wear closed shoes, sprinkle some in the shoes too. In the hot season, slippers and open sandals are best, as they allow the perspiration to evaporate. However, open footwear attracts dirt and foot hygiene becomes all the more important. After a hot day, soak your feet in cold water, to which some salt has been added.

During summer, keep to light fragrances, rather than heavy concentrated ones. A light cologne or toilet water may be enough. Floral or lemony fragrances are just right in summer. Cologne, after a shower, can be most refreshing.

Tips For Summer Make Up

Tips For Summer Make Up
Tips For Summer Make Up

Tips For Summer Make UpTips For Summer Make Up
Tips For Summer Make Up

Tips For Summer Make UpTips For Summer Make Up
Tips For Summer Make Up

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