Dreamy eyes always signaled romantic ideas of the person. Artists and lovers are always associated with the dreamy look in their eyes. Glance at these makeup tactics to show your romantic attitude to the world. Outline your eyebrows in the shape of a long and complete arch. If your eyes don't have natural eye colors of light blue, light green, light brown or light yellow; seek the help of contact lenses for a dreamy look. If you are a light colored person apply light pink color eye shadow around your eyelid. If you are a dark skinned person apply dark cream eye shadow around your eyelid. You can apply the darker shade of the eye shadow on your under brows. Clearly draw a line around your eyes with the line extending a little from the corner of the eye.
Make sure that whatever technique or color you choose; you must complement them with your eye shape and color and enhance them. In terms of colors, remember that light colors highlight, while dark ones recede. Natural eye shadows typically come in singles or in color-coordinated combinations. Find one that is pigmented and that will match your eye shape, size and color. When applying your eye shadow, remember to sweep the lightest shade (your base color) first over the entire area from the lash line up to the brow. This will hold the color can and also prevent creasing.
The application of eye makeup is not always easy. No matter what type of eye makeup you are using, you need to first have your design set. Once you have done that, consider these tips to apply eye makeup. Eyeliner: The first thing that the cheerleading eye makeup application needs to take into consideration is that of eyeliner. Use liquid eyeliner for a defined, clean look. Follow your lash line carefully. Select colors that will stand out, too. Eyeshadow: The easiest area to make changes for your cheerleading eye makeup look is through the eye shadow. Here, use school colors, a variety of hues and keep the glitter in. Glitter in your eye shadow is a great way to spark the audience into looking at your eyes.
The goal of this classic, common design is to apply a lighter eye shadow color to the lid area and a deeper color in the crease slightly blending it upward. Applying the lighter color to the entire lid will make your lid look larger and brighter thus creating a rested appearance. You may also reverse this order, which can be helpful for those with large eyelids or protruding eyes.

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