It is easy to grow eyelashes naturally with the help of a diet based on natural elements and proteins. Eat the foods which are rich in containing proteins, like the steaks. And add more natural foods that contain biotin, silica, magnesium, sulfur, zinc, and vitamin B6. These are the natural elements which are mostly found in products of the sea like the fish, shell fish and the seaweeds which are considered vegetables. These are the foods that will help in your hair growth. You should also consult your dietician who will be better able to tell you which foods you can take according to your health conditions.
Another best option is to increase the use of olive oil in your food. You can also simply take it by mouth as well, if you do not mind its taste. It is the best thing for fast growth of eyelashes. It is also good for your overall health and skin growth too. You can also talk to a specialist doctor about the eyelashes growth and restoration.
But remember that regardless of what the doctors advise you to about your diet, it is you on your own who would be taking the conscious decision about how you want to go about it. The better that you will keep your heath, the better it is for your overall health of your body, skin and hair. The best way to beautify your eyelashes other than through cosmetics and makeup is to have the intake in the right amount of the protein rich food and olive oil, that will also give you the glow on the skin and shine to your hair. Vitamins also play a vital role.
It is a common thing to note that the women from the island nations mostly have longer eyelashes even if they are brown-skinned. Their natural beauty comes from this very natural intake of food without relying on anything artificial in their diet or anything that might have adverse effect on their health. You can also grow your eyelashes just the way you desire them to be. Only you have to work out a diet plan.

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